Walking from Downtown Stockholm to Nacka

I had lunch with a friend in the Normalm (downtown) district of Stockholm, and decided to walk back to my apartment in Nacka by foot. It might take an hour if walking direct, but I made a journey out of it and took four times that. Being unplanned, all of the images were taken by my cellphone. It does a pretty good job as an impromtu camera methinks 🙂

From Katarinahissan.




The weather was foreboding, but it ended up only drizzling for a few minutes right as I walked into my apartment.


KatarinavÀgen is basically the road that all the tourist busses drive up which branches east from Slussen.



These people still hold concerts? lol



I can see this church from my apartment window; I’ve always wanted to go see it but it was too far away for me to bother. I managed to detour my route massively to walk by it.

These are the rich apartments on what I believe is called Sickla Strand.

The train tracks are part of a disused loop that circles around Södermalm and goes through a tunnel under Stockholm South Hospital, Södersjukhuset. “SOS tunnel” has an entrance to the hospital basement, designed for use during a civil emergency. The tunnel is a very popular place for urban explorers due to it being abandoned (yet upkept), but I have yet to investigate.





Video of the drawbridge in action:




After seeing this clown grafitti, I ended up spotting it in several other places as I walked around the area.









I ended up slipping on a mossy rock and breaking a corner of my cellphone screen. 🙁



I’m taking these pictures from a hill called FĂ„fĂ€ngan, which is nearby my place. There is a beautiful restaurant on top which is only open during the summer, but plenty of people just walk up the hill to sit and gaze at the landscape.



You can see FĂ„fĂ€ngan from this next photo, it is the hill with the trees on top in a row of exactly the same height. The SOS tracks also have a tunnel through this hill, and goes through the container lot used by the cruise ships. The entrance on the other side of the hill was blockaded, but I havn’t yet checked the entrance on the shipyard side (and will eventually).




This is an intimidating “retirement castle” near my apartment, officially named Danvikshem. It really does look like a castle and used to be a hospital at the turn of the century, but it’s now an old peoples’ home.





Danvikshem sits on its own hill with a nice view, but the only reason I was walking up here was to investigate a house I believed to be abandoned on the grounds. You can see the building I’m talking about by aerial photo, and I noticed it while walking around the neighborhood of my apartment one day.




The retirement castle and my apartment are on this small peninsula in the northern part of Nacka, which is a small borough just east of Stockholm. Further down the street is an area called Kvarnholmen, which has a lot of industrial history from a bygon era.

You can see in the photo below an obviously abandoned factory building that’s right next to modern apartments.



This is my apartment complex on Henriksdalsberget




So I finally worked up the nerve to investigate this house.


Didn’t have the balls to go inside and I didn’t have a flashlight, but I was still getting a valuable survey of the territory for a future visit.




This staircase was fascinating. It goes down to the factory that I will try to find a way to see sometime eventually probably never.


Kvarnholmen has tons of goodies to go investigate, but I’ve only done a cursory walk through the area so far.

Who would want to live next to this I mean really.




I have no idea what this was used for but I’m aching to return.



The problem with places like this that are in the middle of residential areas is that they’re heavily secured and you’d literally have to break inside to go exploring, so that pretty much rules it out.




The end.