First post: Myttinge / Rindö Adventure in Stockholm County


After that, I walked out down the path leading from the main entrance. There was an abandoned building and shed.


Cue number two for things I desperately want to explore if not for being too scared to do so by myself. Here was my best effort, which I got by video. For some reason shooting the video makes it less scary, I think because you have to concentrate on the screen and it’s distracting. Taking pictures would require me to stand still for seconds in the dark bracing the camera against something; no thanks. Btw, 59.403858, 18.453324.

There was some hatch nearby which was sadly filled with water.


This was quite peculiar… an otherwise healthy tree just seemed to have fallen over for no reason. The main purpose of inserting this picture here is to convey the passage of time. I was walking…

… to a rusted gate. All of these sites seemed to have the same type of gate, and there was something about it I liked. Maybe because there was no fence around it, it’s just like a doorway to someplace forgotten. I’m really tired and just rambling now.

Behind the gate lies 4:e batteriet, with GPS coordinates 59.4055426, 18.4549634.

Me standing where a cannon probably once did.

Why did the government have to cement everything closed 🙁

This one turned out quite colorful, SFTC.

I just love those gates. I posed in front of every gate at every place.

Another one of those “oh ya so I was walking through the forest..”

This one was stupid. GPS coordinates 59.3992813, 18.4595545, it’s nothing but this single wall that’s surrounded by a large box of razor wire chain link fence… that is left wide open. Like I really didn’t understand this one at all, boring.

But right nearby was the obvious sign of a pathway to a bunker, and it turned out to be a rather large one.

These were the best gates I found all day.

This is Myttingefortet (3:e batteriet), GPS of entrance pathway 59.3990923, 18.4601206. This is about as big or possibly bigger than the other fort I climbed onto the roof of.

This was the only one to have some graffiti on the side. I’m sure a lot of people would find it defacing, but I feel it adds character.