First post: Myttinge / Rindö Adventure in Stockholm County



Dunno what it is/was.





Those last three photos were full of lies, just staying true to my word that I’d let you know 😉

Ok so here was the first preprogrammed location I came across, 7:e batteriet. Coordinates are here: 59.4020685, 18.4399101

It seemed very much on someone’s property, and there was very much cars in their driveway. I didn’t want to dwell in their backyard so only one photo for now.

Walking through the forest to my next objective, SFTC (straight from the camera yes this is my signature new acronym).

Behind the scenes.

Ok so this was my second exciting surprise of the day. I was about halfway in-between two of my pushpins when I stumbled upon something uncharted and fascinating. I mean this was really really awesome, just walking through the forest and then coming upon some rusted ass gate to nowhere. I felt like I found this place, like I accomplished it.

It’s no hidden secret, but since it wasn’t on my phone it was a great present of luck. Basically, the bunker is entirely underwater. I’m not sure what this officially is, but the gps coordinates are 59.4056316, 18.4456651.

You can see the top of the big heavy doors, which give an indication how deep this pool is. Those doors are probably 8 feet tall, and was the only bunker I found all day that wasn’t welded shut (damn gub’mint). Really just an awesome thing to find. Coordinates are here: 59.4056316, 18.4456651.

Obligatory picture proof of my existence at this location.



Ok now we’re at Vretafortet (5:e batteriet), with GPS coordinates 59.4047959, 18.4530732.

This is the biggest fort on Myttinge, and easily seen by satellite. It’s hard to convey the size without actually walking around it, but take my word it’s about the size of my highschool gym building.

The roof is as high as the surrounding forest’s ground level, but it’s sunken into a huge pit. There are what I imagine to be storerooms carved into the outer walls as seen below.



Then there was this friendly ladder leaning conspicuously against the side in the very back. It really wasn’t hard getting up; I left my backpack on the ground though and put my camera around my neck. At the top rung it’s difficult because it’s basically just steep smooth rock about as long as your body, which you have to drag yourself up before it plateaus.
