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In search of Finnberget’s oil caverns (oljabergrummen)

While walking across the Kvarnholmen bridge in my last post, I saw what appeared to be the entrance to the former oil storage facility inside Finnberget. On this day, I got up at the crack of dawn to go take an investigation.

Flashback from last post on the inspiration:

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Kvarnholmen Morning Walk

This post is heavy on the images and light on the words. I also wasted a bunch of time adding some CSS image zoom enhancements.

I went exploring around the Finnboda shipyard area during the day this time, and by day I mean 0400 when the sun is up.

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Finnboda shipyard: Exploring abandoned places in the middle of the night

While walking around Kvarnholmen a few months ago, I noticed some likely abandoned places worthy of investigation. Two nights ago I finally just went exploring, and had the most exciting photo trip so far.

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Adventure in Nynäshamn, a quiet coastal town an hour south of Stockholm

I wanted to explore somewhere not within walking distance of my apartment, and after some cursory Google Earth research I took the commuter train to the end of the line.

It was a beautiful sunny day outside, and here you see the Södermalm shore as the we pulled away from central station and crossed the bridge til Slussen.

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Nackareservatet: 16km hike from Saltsjö-Duvnäs to Erstaviken

It was a beautiful, sunny day yesterday and I decided to capitalize on it by making a long journey through the forests of Nacka kommun’s nature reserve. I took the Saltsjöbana a few stops further than mine and got off at Saltsjö-Duvnäs station, which is right on the edge of the wilderness.

I couldn’t believe how colorful some of these photos turned out straight from the camera, but it really was a pleasant day.

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WWI bunker remains in Täby

I was inspired by this website to travel to Täby and see what remains I could find of Stockholm’s so called northern defense “sausage line“. Unlike my Myttinge post where I searched for the same thing in a different place, I’ll keep my commentary to a minimum

It was a beautiful day outside. Here’s a view over Henriksdal where my apartment complex is situated.

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Walking from Downtown Stockholm to Nacka

I had lunch with a friend in the Normalm (downtown) district of Stockholm, and decided to walk back to my apartment in Nacka by foot. It might take an hour if walking direct, but I made a journey out of it and took four times that. Being unplanned, all of the images were taken by my cellphone. It does a pretty good job as an impromtu camera methinks 🙂

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First post: Myttinge / Rindö Adventure in Stockholm County

This is the first post on my photoblog, so let me set a few things straight. When I go exploring with my camera, the central goal of my picturing is to reproduce my journey as accurately as possible. To that extent, the only time my D90 comes off auto is when the camera’s having trouble making a picture like my eye sees it, and my eyes don’t tend to stare closely at flowers or see the world in black and white. If you are looking for a hipster art blog, go somewhere else. Everything is in chronological order, and I try to comment only as much as necessary to glue a story together. Ok lets go..

My day started at 0830 when I took a two minute bus ride to the ferry terminal at Nacka Strand.

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