Garmisch-Partenkirchen, a quiet mountain resort town on the Bavarian border

At this point in my travels I was currently in Austria, and needed to make my way up through Germany so I could visit my friend in Luxembourg. When I originally planned my vacation I wanted to visit Neuschwanstein, Germany’s most famous castle.

I did some research and decided to stay in a small town called Garmisch-Partenkirchen, which is right on Germany’s border with Austria and perhaps an hour away from the castle. After making arrangements I discovered restoration work is being done this year and there is lots of scaffolding that supposedly ruins the view. I decided not to go to Neuschwanstein, but Garmisch still turned out to be one of the most memorable destinations on my trip.

OK let’s get started. As with most of my days, this one began on an early morning train.

Train car interior on the trip to Garmisch-Partenkirchen, from Austria

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