Archived entries for salzburg

Eurotrip Day 02: Still in Salzburg

Today I planned on taking an epic adventure to Hallstatt, a picturesque UNESCO site on the shore of a lake. Unfortunately, a litany of failures prevented this trip and essentially ruined my whole day.

I arrived at Salzburg Hbf to catch the 11:10 train, and here’s a pic from the main station hall.

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Eurotrip Day 01: Adventures in Salzburg

This post begins a series chronicling my 38 day vacation through Europe, and I’ll try my best to condense the dozen thousand pictures I shot into one post per day. I began my journey in Austria, where I checked into the Amedia Hotel around midnight.

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Eurovacation Day 0: Salzburg, Austria

My first impression of Austrian people upon entering the country: 0 fucks given.

Here’s my taxi driver from the airport watching the Spain v Portugul soccer match while we’re driving.

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