Archived entries for adventure

Day trip to Birka, a Viking island museum two hours west of Stockholm

This is my first post back from vacation, which I sadly havn’t had time to process the photos from yet. In the meantime, here’s a trip I made to an archipelagian island formerly home to a major Viking trade outpost and now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The journey began at Stockholm City Hall, where all the tourist ferries berth.

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Norra Djurgården walk from Ropsten to Universitetet

Norra Djurgården is a large openspace area situated between the two forks of the tbana’s northern red line. I meandered my way through here on a hike the other day.

This factory is just west of the Ropsten station on a road called Gasverksvägen.

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Djurgården Walkaround

A few days ago I circumnavigated Djurgården right after a freak unexpected downpour.

I started out trapped in a hallway at Slussen, and was forced to take pictures of nothing while I waited for the rain to stop. IMO this single hallway provides the sole justifcation necessary for bulldozing the entire place.

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Kvarnholmen Morning Walk

This post is heavy on the images and light on the words. I also wasted a bunch of time adding some CSS image zoom enhancements.

I went exploring around the Finnboda shipyard area during the day this time, and by day I mean 0400 when the sun is up.

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Adventure in Nynäshamn, a quiet coastal town an hour south of Stockholm

I wanted to explore somewhere not within walking distance of my apartment, and after some cursory Google Earth research I took the commuter train to the end of the line.

It was a beautiful sunny day outside, and here you see the Södermalm shore as the we pulled away from central station and crossed the bridge til Slussen.

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Nackareservatet: 16km hike from Saltsjö-Duvnäs to Erstaviken

It was a beautiful, sunny day yesterday and I decided to capitalize on it by making a long journey through the forests of Nacka kommun’s nature reserve. I took the Saltsjöbana a few stops further than mine and got off at Saltsjö-Duvnäs station, which is right on the edge of the wilderness.

I couldn’t believe how colorful some of these photos turned out straight from the camera, but it really was a pleasant day.

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Walking from Downtown Stockholm to Nacka

I had lunch with a friend in the Normalm (downtown) district of Stockholm, and decided to walk back to my apartment in Nacka by foot. It might take an hour if walking direct, but I made a journey out of it and took four times that. Being unplanned, all of the images were taken by my cellphone. It does a pretty good job as an impromtu camera methinks 🙂

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