Finnboda shipyard: Exploring abandoned places in the middle of the night

While walking around Kvarnholmen a few months ago, I noticed some likely abandoned places worthy of investigation. Two nights ago I finally just went exploring, and had the most exciting photo trip so far.

I left the apartment around midnight with my camera, a headlamp, my maglight and a beer.

I made a left on Finnbodavarvsväg, which I believe means Finnboda yard way. Since the late 19th century there was a shipbuilding yard here in Nacka, but now they are slowly converting it to housing. There is still a lot of industrial decay in the area though.

I also added a cool new image rollover effect and drop shadow which I think makes this blog look more spiffy :). Anyway, here is an aerial photo from bing maps showing where I went. I basically followed the red path of arrows, and my goal was to check out that house on the hill in the trees behind the parkinglot.


Here I turned around and walked behind this building for some reason. I actually ended up going inside but those pictures are at the end.

Walking in the tight space between the rock and the building.

Sitting at the base of a staircase that starts a path leading up the hill.

The coolest thing was this partially dismantled staircase. It doesn’t make a path going straight to the house, but rather turns left and heads towards the Danvikshem retirement castle. Anyway, I used the railing to claw my way up.



I’m really interested to know what that formation built into the mountain side was used for… I imagine a huge ship would be sitting there back in the day.

Here’s a 6 second exposure of the last leg of the staircase which goes up to the parkinglot. I would have never made it up this hill without those rails to drag myself up.

And here’s an 8 second exposure. It’s like daytime!

I really love this next photo. You have these beautiful modern apartments right across the street from an old factory building with a hopelessly corroding roof. It’s amazing they even built these new buildings without demolishing this entire wasteland beforehand.

This next photo is probably my favorite. There are water drops on the lens–which I noticed and wiped off for a subsequent photo– but I actually like the “bleeding colors” effect so I posted this one instead.

So here is the car parking lot which for some reason orphans the house on the hill. There is no path to it and you just have to sort of walk through the trees.

Overlooking the yard.

These two buildings in the center are also modern (housing I think), just sitting akwardly in the middle of nowhere.

And here we jump right into the house. For some reason I was too excited to take a photo of the outside at first, but I have some later. The place was filled with grafitti, of course.