Austria’s mountain resort region of Zell am See: Eurotrip Day 03

Featured in the last episode of Band of Brothers where they play baseball in a field after taking the Eagle’s Nest, the time I spent in Zel am See and the surrounding area garnered some of the most memorable and rewarding sights of my trip.

I started at Salzburg Hbf to catch an early morning train.

It was a short ride–about two or so hours away–and I pretty much had the car to myself. According to a German woman on the train, Zell am See is pronounced like “tell am zee”.

The best part about the regional trains in Austria is that their windows can be opened, so I spent most of the time standing in front of one. The next few pictures were all taken from the train window while moving at speed.

Here’s a short video I took looking out the window.




The scenery was beautiful as we meandered through the mountains.




Just me 🙂

This scene occurred for a split second but I really like the snapshot that came out of it.


And then we arrived in town. This church is adjacent to the main square.

The main shopping street is quite small, and you can walk around and see everything in about an hour.

I walked past the train station and came upon the main attraction: Lake Zell. With the morning sun low still low in the sky, the water glistened and looked stunning.

This souvenir shop looks cool on account of the cog wheel structure below it.

Not really much to say here other than that I was walking around dumbfounded the whole time. I’ve talked to a few people who’ve gone to Austria and it seems that many just go to Vienna or Salzburg–IMO that is a tragic mistake 😉

Another tragic mistake was hitherto failing to wear sunscreen, so I was red and burned.