Eurotrip Day 02: Still in Salzburg

Just like in Sweden, people rent out plots of land for gardening since nobody really has backyards.


This picture is terrible because it’s taken straight into the sunlight, but I was interested in the tunnel leading into the side of the mountain. I didn’t actually bother walking up to it or around the hill to see if there were other entrances, because I was fatigued from a long day of walking.

In the elevator of my hotel.

It was about 5pm when I got back, and after walking to McDonalds for dinner I edited pictures in my room. It started getting dark and I noticed a brilliant sunset forming outside my window, and in effort to salvage the day from becoming a total waste I decided to run back up the hill I climbed on the very first day to make a new panorama.


And here it is. I can’t decide if I like this one or the next one better, but the sight was spectacular.


At the same time as the sun dipped below the horizon, storm clouds amassed in the airspace over Hohensalzburg castle.


There was thunder and lighting over the castle and I knew it would start raining soon so I headed back down the hill towards the hotel. Here is a creepy path I saw heading towards the unknown.

This last HDR panorama looks over my hotel, which is the building just fore of of the orange one in the bottom center.

I stayed up the night editing photos, and got up really early to head to my next destination in Zell am See. It will probably take a week or so for me to process the photos for that post.

The end!