Day trip to Birka, a Viking island museum two hours west of Stockholm

This is my first post back from vacation, which I sadly havn’t had time to process the photos from yet. In the meantime, here’s a trip I made to an archipelagian island formerly home to a major Viking trade outpost and now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The journey began at Stockholm City Hall, where all the tourist ferries berth.


It wasn’t the sunniest of days, but at least it wasn’t raining (yet!)

If you noticed, I’m experimenting with a new watermark in the lower right-hand corner of my photos. Creating the batch action to do this in photoshop was a gigantic pain in the ass, and adds like three extra seconds per picture to process. I’m still unsure whether I like the design or not so I may change it in the future.

One of the many bridges connecting the patchwork of islands which makes up Stockholm.


Because it was a tourist ferry, a guide made periodic announcements about various historical things we floated by. I wasn’t paying attention so I have no idea what the backstory is on this metal hat statue, but here is a picture of a metal hat statue.


The sun peaked through the clouds to light up this beach.


Chillin like a villain.


This vacation compound caught my eye for not only being awesomely built into the side of a cliff, but because of that epic water slide.

Seriously, what a location.

Pulling into the dock at Birka.





This is the building with the museum and gift shop, a short walk down the path from the ferry dock. We had an hour or two of free time before our guided tour started, so we went inside.