Norra Djurgården walk from Ropsten to Universitetet

There were actually two snakes on this dock, and they each slithered away from me as I walked near and then disappeared between the cracks in the wooden planks. Wouldn’t want to go swimming in this water!

This duck swam up to say hello


I dunno what it’s doing with its foot here…

So then I walked up the hill in the direction of the ski ramp, and came across this stunt course

It looks like it was intended for mountain bikes, but it’s old and worn now


Still a cool sight to come across in the woods

So apparently there are two ski ramps

And this one is abandoned, or at least looks that way as its overgrown

Great view

You can see Mr Duckduck in the water below!


Though I suppose this would still work if covered in snow

Walking around the ramp I came to an overgrown staircase. I’m not sure how they expect you to walk up the hill because this is the only staircase I saw and it doesn’t look maintained.

It leads to the bottom of the bigger ramp

Under the overgrown ramp. The thought never occured to me to walk up those stairs and stand on top of it — silly me.



/obligatory self shot

There was actually a swarm of mosquitos under here and they were all flying around the wall where I set my backpack down with the camera on top, so in the course of setting up the four shots I took I was basically just getting eaten alive. I have bumps all over my head now and maybe I should bring a hooded sweatshirt next time to protect myself.