Norra Djurgården walk from Ropsten to Universitetet

Norra Djurgården is a large openspace area situated between the two forks of the tbana’s northern red line. I meandered my way through here on a hike the other day.

This factory is just west of the Ropsten station on a road called Gasverksvägen.

Now I’ve entered the nature area, which is bisected by a disused industry track.

I found another one of those all too common doors into the mountain, here

And here is a strange looking water tower, with aerial photo here. I suspect the mountain door leads to the underground infrastructure for this tower, because it’s facing that direction and not too far away.




There were plenty of people out jogging and the weather was nice



There is a lake called Laduviken and a ski jump on the slope next to it

Instead of walking up to the building, I first followed the tow cable to the bottom of the hill

It does not seem to be in use any longer



Sitting in the bottom of the fusebox is a Seagate harddiskar

So I took it home. It’s a 3.2 GB dinosaur, and though it did spin up for a few seconds the circuit board was fried and it wouldn’t work 🙁


Next, I walked on a little path to the lake’s shoreline

And out onto the dock