Eurovacation Day 0: Salzburg, Austria

My first impression of Austrian people upon entering the country: 0 fucks given.

Here’s my taxi driver from the airport watching the Spain v Portugul soccer match while we’re driving.

This is shocking for two reasons; A) their Mercedes cabs are equipped with televisions and B) he thought it was OK to watch tv on the road.

Then I got to my hotel, the Amedia Salzburg. As I walked up to the reception the guy said “Mr Kinni?” and I’m like “yeah“.

This was apparently all the authentication necessary to get my room key and checkin, because when I asked “don’t you want to see my passport? I could be anyone” his response was:

“calm down, we’re in Austria”

I think I’m going to like this place.

Also, here’s a public service announcement to all hotels of Europe: THIS IS NOT A QUEEN SIZE BED!

Those are two twin beds pushed together. I can’t sleep in the middle. The sheets are only big enough for the individual halves. I repeat, this is not a queen size bed and advertising it this way should be illegal. That is all.