Archived entries for

Eurovacation Day 0: Salzburg, Austria

My first impression of Austrian people upon entering the country: 0 fucks given.

Here’s my taxi driver from the airport watching the Spain v Portugul soccer match while we’re driving.

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Norra Djurgården walk from Ropsten to Universitetet

Norra Djurgården is a large openspace area situated between the two forks of the tbana’s northern red line. I meandered my way through here on a hike the other day.

This factory is just west of the Ropsten station on a road called Gasverksvägen.

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Djurgården Walkaround

A few days ago I circumnavigated Djurgården right after a freak unexpected downpour.

I started out trapped in a hallway at Slussen, and was forced to take pictures of nothing while I waited for the rain to stop. IMO this single hallway provides the sole justifcation necessary for bulldozing the entire place.

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In search of Finnberget’s oil caverns (oljabergrummen)

While walking across the Kvarnholmen bridge in my last post, I saw what appeared to be the entrance to the former oil storage facility inside Finnberget. On this day, I got up at the crack of dawn to go take an investigation.

Flashback from last post on the inspiration:

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Kvarnholmen Morning Walk

This post is heavy on the images and light on the words. I also wasted a bunch of time adding some CSS image zoom enhancements.

I went exploring around the Finnboda shipyard area during the day this time, and by day I mean 0400 when the sun is up.

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Finnboda shipyard: Exploring abandoned places in the middle of the night

While walking around Kvarnholmen a few months ago, I noticed some likely abandoned places worthy of investigation. Two nights ago I finally just went exploring, and had the most exciting photo trip so far.

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