Nackareservatet: 16km hike from Saltsjö-Duvnäs to Erstaviken


This is my favorite picture of the day, SFTC.

This small lake was a bit higher than Erstaviken and there was a waterfall by the bridge, but also something else to the left.

This was kind of neat. There was a deep foundation to a no-longer-standing building, fenced off with barbed wire.

I wonder what it used to be.


Here’s a rodent skull I found.

These next two photos are heavily photoshopped because the sun was glaring in the lens and they turned out terrible… but this last lake was a pretty way to wrap up the water bodies of my trip.



I’m basically walking back to civilization now towards Solsidan where the train goes.

This path is actually familiar to me from a prior trip I made to Solsidan, the photos for which I havn’t created a blog post out of (this sentence would be an incorrect choice on the STAR test ;)). The last time I was here I was also trying to find the train, but my phone was almost dead and it was dark outside.

I decided some pics from my Solsidan Adventure would make a cameo appearance.

Ya this trail is far too spooky at night! Instead of walking down roads already travelled, I went off to the side a bit. Here’s a baby ladder completely uneccessary.

Car road.

This pic turned out great.

Ah yes, another place I have memories of.

I was scared and lost last time I was here, and totally missed the train stop that is just nearby. The lesson learned is to make it home before it gets dark 🙂

I arrived at Tattby just as a train pulled into the station, unfortunately going the wrong direction.


♥ the Saltsjöbana!

And Sweden. The end.