Nackareservatet: 16km hike from Saltsjö-Duvnäs to Erstaviken

Now eventually I came out of the forest to edge of this gigantic field. I’m not sure if it’s private farmland or what the deal is because there’s huge acreage but not really animal fences or cows grazing or anything like that. It provided a welcome relief for my feet though being able to walk on the grass.

Not photoshopped! I almost considered reducing the saturation because it looks a bit too outstanding (゜◇゜)


Me again. In the distance you can see these large sand traps like what you’d expect to find on a golf course–if the fairways were made of sand. It’s not like we’re in a desert so it was a confusing contrast to the lushiousness of everything else.


I crested a small ridge and startled a pack of deer, which according to Wikipedia is actually called a herd of deer. Anyway that’s the most deer I’ve seen together in one place so that was pretty cool.



Ooo and what mysteries have we here.

Someone’s personal bomb shelter. I want one.

I finally arrived at Erstaviken, which is essentially a bay of the Baltic Sea. The water was cool but not cold, and I would have jumped in if I had a towel.


I think it was about 12km at this point and my feet were killing me, so I just chilled for about an hour and enjoyed the ocean.




Peace and quiet–nothing is better.



After satisfying myself with the beach, I started heading in the direction of the Saltsjöbana.