Adventure in Nynäshamn, a quiet coastal town an hour south of Stockholm

My roomate translated this sign to say “warning for wet mud”, which really makes no fucking sense given the ground is comprised of rocks.


You can see how the refinery provides an ugly backdrop to an otherwise tranquil location.

I really love the color of the algae and how it contrasts against these rocks.

I didn’t leave any posing opportunity unexploited 😉

At this point I had basically rounded the edge of Norvik.

Here on the far side of the peninsula, it thankfully started to get more lush.

The main reason I took this picture was because I liked how the water reflects green on the left side and blue on the right.

Beautiful algae.

This next picture is straight from the camera, and was definately my favorite shot of the day.

I generally try to keep egregious photoshop lies to a minimum, but just to let you know about 90% of the images in this post are fully of them. The problem was it was really hard to get consistent shots this day in the harsh sunlight, so I spent a lot of effort finessing the images to match the color and contrast of a few reference good ones.

Here I came upon someone’s campsite.



What a spectacular day; I really wish I had a boat.


These two earthen foundations and the lonely crane that comes after are all that make up the construction they closed the road for on the back side of Norvik.

I thought I was completely alone out there, but it turns out I wasn’t–I came upon an old, fat, naked sunbathing man sleeping (I think… hopefully) on a rock, and also this other guy who was fishing.

There were lots of boats out out making me jealous.

At some point I realized I was really fucking far away from civilization, and walking along the coast wasn’t taking me any closer. I was forced to forgoe my views and head back into the forest, because I really wanted to make it back into town before my phone ran out of battery (and my stomach out of fuel, my feet out of not feeling like they were going to fall off, etc).